What is a CCBHC

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Labette Center for Mental Health Services, Inc. has received a certification as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). By becoming a CCBHC, The Center will have an enhanced ability to serve the community comprehensively, ensuring that individuals receive whole-person care.
CCBHC's are a federal Medicaid model that relies on intensive care management to integrate physcial and mental health care. Kansas is the first state in the nation to pass CCBHC legislation requiring all 26 Community Mental Health Center in Kansas to move towards certification as CCBHC's by July 2025.
What is Required as a CCBHC?
CCBHCs are responsible for providing all nine core services.
CCBHCs are responsible for providing all nine core services.
What's changing?
- Addition of Patient Navigation Services- Expansion in Behavioral Health Assessments at intake- Expansion of Care Coordination- Expansion of Primary Health Care Screenings- Coordination with Primary Health Care Resources - Expansion of Mobile Crisis Services - Expansion of Veterans Services
- Addition of Patient Navigation Services- Expansion in Behavioral Health Assessments at intake- Expansion of Care Coordination- Expansion of Primary Health Care Screenings- Coordination with Primary Health Care Resources - Expansion of Mobile Crisis Services - Expansion of Veterans Services
What's won't change?
Continued Quality Behavioral Health Care Services Including:
- Access to Counseling and Therapy- Access to Crisis Services- Access to and Psychiatry Services- Community-Based Services for children and adults
More information on CCHBHC:
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (ks.gov)
What is a CCBHC? – YouTube
Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Inc. | Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Inc. (acmhck.org)
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) | SAMHSA
CCBHC Success Center – National Council for Mental Wellbeing (thenationalcouncil.org)
What is a CCBHC? – YouTube
Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Inc. | Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Inc. (acmhck.org)
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) | SAMHSA
CCBHC Success Center – National Council for Mental Wellbeing (thenationalcouncil.org)